Inner Wisdom Quantum Healing

160 W Kiowa Ave.
Colorado 80107  United States

Inner Wisdom Quantum Healing

Become the Best Version of Yourself

BQH (Beyond Quantum Healing) will help you unleash your fullest potential through this heart-based energy healing modality focused on service to others.

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 About BQH

BQH uses elements of hypnosis which is nothing more than a relaxed and focused attention. It's about the practitioner attaining a higher state of consciousness to then help the client reach a higher state of consciousness where unlimited possibilities and outcomes exist. The client in this state can then access the healing and/or answers that they desire.

If you want to know more, make sure to take a look at the About page!

About Us

Connect With Your Inner Wisdom.

 Find the clarity, life purpose, ease and abundance that you have been seeking.

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"My Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) session with Lisa was amazing. Not knowing what to expect, Lisa’s calm and compassionate presence quickly put me at ease. I was surprised by the insights I gained and the confirmations for my path forward. Lisa provided a comfortable and confidential safe space for this deep inner work and I could not believe how the time flew by! My session with this kind and loving person, guiding me through this process was beautiful and restorative. I highly recommend her!"

"Finding the words to describe this experience is hard. It was an amazing journey led by an amazing woman. Lisa was the perfect guide, her energy is like no other and she immediately makes you feel relaxed and comfortable. The environment was calming and peaceful and Lisa took the time to explain the entire process thoroughly before we started. She asked insightful questions throughout and connected me with the past lives that I was meant to encounter. She brought it all together and I clearly received the healing message that I was there to hear. I would highly recommend Lisa to anyone that is in need or wants to experience this incredible journey. Thank you for you!!"


"My session with Lisa was very powerful, emotional and informative. I was able to connect with both my Guides and my Higher Self and gained so much wisdom. I’m so happy that I was able to have this session because I heard exactly what I needed to at this time in my life. Lisa is wonderful! She knew exactly how to get me to a relaxed and meditative state fairly quickly! I was worried because I haven’t meditated as much lately as I have in the past, but it didn’t matter. Her voice was relaxing. The setting was relaxing, very homey and comforting. I felt a sense of security both in the setting and with Lisa and was able to open up and relax into the session no problem. She has such a happy and peaceful aura/demeanor I couldn’t help but hug her at the end! She is a sweetheart and I’m blessed to have found her! I will absolutely be going back for more sessions! Thank you Lisa!!
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